Based on our customers’ daily or weekly usage and delivery requirements, we assist them in determining the appropriate quantities of each pallet or piece of lumber they should have on the ground.  These quantities are established to not only ensure that our customers never run out of pallets, but it prevents them from ever accumulating excess inventory on the ground that sits idle.

This program works best for companies who purchase the same pallets over & over again.  We are not taking control of what and when you purchase, we’re simply providing a professional service that you are currently having to perform yourself.  Once we establish what we think you need for your next order, we let you know.

Do you ever go to count and realize you’re out?!?!? How often do you go to check your pallet inventory and see NOTHING!!  Alliance can prevent this from ever happening again. We will design, schedule and regularly maintain a vendor managed inventory program at your facility.  We will make regular on-site visits to your facility to begin tracking usage patterns & trends.  By monitoring your pallet quantities & usages during this time, we can establish minimum quantities of each product that you should have in stock at any given time. Replenishing your inventory based on these min./max. levels simply means that whenever you need pallets, you’ll already have them!

We also let you know how long it will take for us to deliver those quantities based on our current production pace.  It’s ultimately your decision on what to order, we’re simply using our experience and expertise to provide you the most accurate suggestions based on your usage patterns. With this program, you’ll never have to scramble around trying to get pallets in stock.

The implementation of a VMI program is the proactive approach to pallet management.  It prevents you from ever having to halt production or shipping because you’ve run out of pallets. We aren’t trying to do your job for you, we’re just helping to avoid those all too familiar moments when you go to count and realize you’re out! You’ll never be out with an Alliance Forest Products Vendor Managed Inventory Program.